Open Banking Expo Canada

Toronto, ON

Judy Li, directrice de la gestion de l’information, de l’analyse des données et de l’ISO à Paiements Canada, participera à un débat d’experts intitulé Achieving Coherence: Strategies for a Stable and Secure Canadian Financial System. Le débat portera sur les modèles de revenus possibles, de la gestion des finances personnelles aux frais progressifs, et sur le paysage réglementaire qui pourrait favoriser ou entraver le succès commercial

Open Banking in Canada is underway, with a Made in Canada framework starting to take shape. Following the delivery of the Final Report of the Advisory Committee, practitioners are beginning to build the initial tranche of products and services, and the working groups continue to provide insight and guidance around critical questions of privacy, security, accreditation, and liability.

Innovators, disruptors and visionaries driving Canada’s Open Banking revolution.

Le 15 juin, 2023 | Metro Toronto Convention Centre


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