Résultats de la recherche
… dans le domaine des paiements facilitera l’accès à l’information financière. Façons d’écouter les balados : … … turning in into actions. So an example of a barrier is information that you can't understand. If it's so complicated, … to securely send and receive payments within seconds 24/7 365. So we better prepare for that. The more information we …
… cross-border convenience, activity-based oversight, platform innovation, it's long list. And last one, but not … system, you also have to have an openness in terms of information. An openness in terms of, what are the things a … approach as opposed to an entity approach. So if you are performing certain of five different payment functions, then …
… non seulement un système de paiement, mais aussi une plateforme pour l’innovation. Façons d’écouter les balados : … Rail or the RTR as we often say, Canada's new 24/7/365 payment system that will facilitate the delivery of … think importantly, the RTR differs because it offers a platform for innovation in the payment space. It's a central …
… quotidienne livrée chaque matin, en semaine, pour vous informer des dernières nouvelles dans le secteur des … Canada Le SOMMET de Paiements Canada est votre source d’information exclusive sur notre congrès annuel et contient les … IT department, and give them MailChimp's white-listing Information to ensure that you don't miss our emails. Use of …