Résultats de la recherche
… ahead, things that have to be solved like open banking and rules, regulations and RTR infrastructure being in there, … well, we've got this, I dunno what it was, 10,000 page rules book and this database like this, and some of the most …
… our high value payment system here in Canada, their scheme rules and application design. So when we went live, and I'm … to make them fit for purpose for the length scheme, rules and application to design and something that comes to …
… there by the name of Brian Krebs, and he has a few basic rules for staying safe online. The first one is if you … email, maybe you should be suspicious of it. So the first rule is if you didn't ask for it, don't install it or don't … need it anymore, get rid of it. So you can apply these rules to all of your software applications, your operating …
… with a high degree of resiliency? How do we change the rules and the regulations and the acts for greater inclusion …