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… because the way how we experience payments is going to change. Justin Ferrabee: Also in about 10 minutes, we'll be … just you? Is it a small cadre of people who are trying to change the system or is the system ready to be changed? Is it time for this or are you just starting a …
… prouve qu’il est possible de terminer le règlement après échange sur une plateforme de TGLD. La capacité de régler … travail de collaboration nécessaire pour apporter des changements profonds et transformateurs sur les marchés …
… non à l’extérieur du cadre réglementaire. « Les paiements changent à un rythme sans précédent, a déclaré Tracey Black, … conseil d’administration, Paiements Canada. Mais le monde change. Les paiements changent. Et l’innovation se produit quoi qu’il arrive. Si …
… de l’étude : La pandémie a incité 43 % des Canadiens à changer leurs préférences de paiement à long terme. 50 % des …
… Canada. Tracey provides the leadership to define the next change of Payments Canada's evolution, supporting the … now over 30 odd years, and I've never seen such a dramatic change and an impact of an event such as the pandemic in … payments trends, you're saying that we see some shift and changes, some pretty significant changes we've been seeing …
… but there's a lot- Justin Ferrabee: We're trying to change that. Mike Sigal: You are trying to change that. You are trying to change that. Justin Ferrabee: Just for the record, we're …
… the ecosystem have been very public about the need for this change for quite some time, and it's amazing to see all of … Those membership provisions in our legislation haven't changed in over 20 years. Since that time, payments have … funds, managing operational risks, for example. When these changes to our legislation happen and our membership …
… estiment que la capacité d’adaptation et l’ouverture au changement constituent l’un des principaux avantages de …
… sur l’accessibilité en ligne pour saisir l’ensemble des changements qui seront apportés pour éliminer les obstacles …