Résultats de la recherche
… et exploite l'infrastructure de base nationale qui permet à ses membres 2 d'effectuer la compensation et le … flexibles régissant l'échange d'images de chèques qui permettent à l'industrie d'offrir la télésaisie des dépôts et … à l'évolution du marché. Le cadre de surveillance permettant de traiter des lacunes sur le plan des paiements de …
… évolution, les entreprises, plus que jamais, doivent se mettre au diapason. Cependant, selon un récent sondage Léger … both small and large, are still limited in the payment methods that are available to them create easy, positive and … that many have experienced with the lack of useful payment methods. Ultimately, today's businesses want more choice for …
… la Règle H1). Votre institution financière conviendra d'émettre des DPA en votre nom, et vous conviendrez de vous … etc.) les accords de gestion de trésorerie (p. ex., pour permettre à une société mère de prendre des fonds à sa filiale) … it will be returned to your financial institution, sometimes as early as the same day. Your financial institution …
… then maybe you go somewhere to actually physically see something. If it's a bigger purchase. It's a mixture of layers … before in a big box store or at of fashion store or something like that. So I think it's human behavior that has … presence and they're had to suddenly go on Uber Eats or something like that. So it's pretty impressive on how we are …
… between quick and light-speed. Every day we need to learn something new to do our job and we’re committed to supporting …
… les produits et services du secteur, tout le monde devra mettre la main à la pâte. Comment le Canada peut-il donner … ISO 20022. Not only does it sound boring, it sounds like something from Dr. Who or a scientific experiment in action. … have a few? Is it like when you're selling Coca-Cola or something, you got to get a really good celebrity to adopt it …