Résultats de la recherche
… most critical business services end to end over a sustained period of time. You might ask, how does the operational … Now we've moved dramatically beyond that in such a short period of time. That remains a significant risk and an area …
… hands of criminal organizations. Once the criminals get ahold of these very sophisticated tools, they're easy to …
… currency in it. David Cravit: I've seen people in a store hold up their phone instead of taking out a credit card, so … around all that plastic, have it all encoded on your phone, hold up a screen. If I may be even wrong, that may not even … of current, that there is multiple, we're in a transition period. There's some new stuff, there's some old stuff. It …
… in circulation increased by 30 per cent during this same period almost matching data of credit cards at 33 per cent. … buying many of their goods online such as clothing, household items, and health and beauty products. Liz Dempsey: …
… really significant changes in, really, a relatively short period of time. There's two other quick examples. So there's … on paper money are reportedly more germs than a household toilet. And that in studying the bacteria on paper … that different people will still be, throughout this period, there will be people that have different comfort …
… is being shaped by visionary women, and what the future holds. They will also walk us through some of the challenges … university and starting her first career. Is she going to hold herself back or will we have had enough dialogue about … the payments modernization of Canada and maybe not a household name to everybody, but really a woman is driving your …
… the trait of that users, we have between, for example, holding a large value of digital currency secured by a … of that privacy. How do customers evaluate their ability to hold balances in a secure and private way with the hurdle or …