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… La COVID-19 a causé bien des soucis aux détaillants partout au Canada, mais certains sont parvenus à s’adapter au quart de tour en se … driving the economy as they get older and more buying power, they never use cash. Cash is just not part of their, …
… Chiron est accompagnée de Janet Lalonde, directrice principale, PTR à Paiements Canada pour discuter de la valeur … of what real time payments are, can you tell us a bit about the introduction of real time payments in Canada? … that's one of the main benefits of our more robust risk model as well, right? That it's going to facilitate access …
… have to reflect that there's going to be a lot of different models in play in the market, a lot of different … that is flexible and creates that fertile ground to allow a maximum level of innovation and efficiency in the system. … others like PayPal are at those tables because we have the size, the heft, the influence, there are many players who …