Résultats de la recherche
… Au début d’octobre, Paiements Canada a publié son rapport annuel intitulé Rapport canadien sur les modes de paiement et les tendances … En 2023, ce chiffre était de 21,7 milliards. Dans ce rapport, on compare les tendances des modes de paiement d’une …
… alone hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Ottawa appears to sympathize with businesses, but regulating swipe … payment with your credit card, a long and costly sequence happens behind the scenes. Given the speed with which … through the credit card network to the issuer bank for approval. When the issuer approves the transaction, the …
… 10,000 Bitcoins on two pizzas in 2010 - the equivalent of approximately US$200M by the end of 2017), merchants don’t … be ripe for integration with end users’ digital lives and apps, and yes, provide an anonymous channel for illicit fund …
… of the strategy, if you will, is an outcomes-driven approach. So we need to experiment, we need to test what we … I worry about a time like we're in now where you may be approaching a recession and we're in these inflationary … they need to be receiving it. So right now, what could be happening is you're receiving your pay electronically and …