Résultats de la recherche
… et de crédit accessibles La nouvelle carte tactile de Mastercard, Touch Card, est une autre façon de promouvoir l’inclusion des … les encoches des nouvelles cartes accessibles de Mastercard qui permettent de faire la distinction entre les cartes …
… until you've got appropriate fraud in place and other jurisdictions have been very good evidence of the importance of … technology's changed a little bit. We've gone from punch cards to quantum, but it's the same company. It's important …
… options exist, traditional methods of payments, like credit cards, debit cards, and cash come out on top. However, more than half of … it comes to money. You grew up using checks or a credit card and that's what you know, so that's what you rely on. …
… so we don't oversee rules related to checks, or wire or the cards. So it's a little bit different, because I'm just …
… regulated trust company, a schedule one chartered bank, a card issuing business, and a merchant acquiring business … need to do better, and we can learn from other jurisdictions. There's examples of this being done really well. … know, require instant payment money movement in their jurisdictions. But I'll take a slightly different, um, you know, …