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… made over my lifetime a little bit tighter, they still are significant and much longer than in other parts of the … a small firm has to deal with with respect to payment is significant. We can't also ignore the fact that every single … or emerging areas technologies like blockchain or biometric based payments. Part of that is also to do with our …
… trends and threats and opportunities and to make evidence-based decisions on what we focus our time and effort on. … the economy, the impacts on the banking industry. There's significant impacts depending on how you actually apply and … ecosystem. I agree, it really will depend on how CBDC is designed and distributed in order to see how it can …
… kind of stuff. Starts to sound a little bit like it's designed to skirt some of the standards we have in place for … Well, before we leave this topic, I would argue that based on how much is transacted digitally today, that the … individual. Moneris, reports on spending trends in Canada based on the volume of data that we process. We're sometimes …
… payments. Cyrielle Chiron: Yeah. No, that's pretty significant to say payments is really one thing at the … saying that we see some shift and changes, some pretty significant changes we've been seeing in the past few … payments have really increased in frequency and paper-based payments have declined. So I wouldn't say that that's …