Résultats de la recherche
… zone. Marilyn Schaffer: Well you know, there's an 80-20 rule, right? You can't please all of the people all of the …
… publicly disclosed so that participants can understand the rules and understand how to play by the rules in a way that is fair and transparent and encourages … can build to those standards, they understand the rules of the game, and that they can participate. In my …
… there by the name of Brian Krebs, and he has a few basic rules for staying safe online. The first one is if you … email, maybe you should be suspicious of it. So the first rule is if you didn't ask for it, don't install it or don't … need it anymore, get rid of it. So you can apply these rules to all of your software applications, your operating …
… overlay means we've delivered a set of standards and rules to allow interoperability, but the product delivery …