Résultats de la recherche
… articles reflètent les intérêts et les opinions de leur auteur et ne sauraient constituer des … to be growing global merchant acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment for goods and services, including for … one of the key findings of the survey was that, when asked what improvements could assist in acceptance of Bitcoin, …
… AVERTISSEMENT : Les articles reflètent les intérêts et les opinions de leur auteur et ne sauraient constituer des … collection and replacement of damaged notes and coins. This means that a CBDC has the potential to reduce the costs of …
… can you both tell me a little bit about your roles and what you do at your respective organizations? And Supriya, … resilience? Well, the ability to build financial resilience does not lie in the hands of the consumer alone. It depends … coming forward, you can put in a request to have that pay remitted to you on demand for no additional cost to yourself …
… first indirect clearer to apply for direct clear status, what motivated People's Trust to become a direct clearer on … Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? I mean, that doesn't really matter, but it's really just to get your, um, … for direct access to the payment system. Why? To help remittent senders, low income immigrant communities who …
… years. They largely consist of Interac e-Transfer payments. What's interesting is that if you track the past five-year … are processed either in near real time or real time — which means consumers can track their spending and bank account … So my last question, Stephen, before we go, is what does all of this tell us about the near-term future payment …
… begin, can you both tell me a little bit about your roles, what you do at your respective organizations, and how they … services including the Innovation Hub's activities. So how does Peoples Group fit into the payment ecosystem? We are a … with us? How are they going to continue to trade with us? I mean, we're still going to trade, but it's just going to be …
… and RTR infrastructure being in there, let's think about what are the trends in payments and explore what we'll be … but I would say a lot of people go “Innovation, ah, you mean I've got to do more work, right, and I've got to run … using the customer lens and really thinking hard about what does the future look like and what audacious goals you can …
… articles reflètent les intérêts et les opinions de leur auteur et ne sauraient constituer des … First, open-banking will emerge in some form. This means at the least that vetted third-party application … and provide easy, speedy and convenient transactions. But what about the offline POS experience? POS Payments: Offline …